Cake of Chestnuts & Rice

Prep. Time: 20 minutes         Difficulty: Low


Makes 6 servings

Ingredients: -150 gr. of chestnuts sand banks -5 cups of milk or water -300 gr. of rice for risotto -100 gr. of sugar -75 gr. of sultana raisins -100 gr. of butter -salt.

Directions: Put the chestnuts in a container, pour lukewarm water over and let in it for all night. At the morning remove the peel, dry and put the chestnuts in a casserole. Cover with milk or water, salt and simmer to low heat for half hour. When the chestnuts will be to half baking, add the rice, sultana raisins, the sugar and cook, stirring for others 25 minutes. Obtain a kind of risotto, add butter and serve cold.

Enjoy your meal!